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Comparing Screenshots in C# with Applitools

Run the existing demo app

  1. Get the code:
    • Option 1: git clone
    • Option 2: Download it as a Zip file and unzip it.
  2. Import the project into Visual Studio:
    • Open Visual Studio from the command line by running something similar to: open /Applications/Visual\ rather than double-clicking on it. This approach will load all the environment variables such as APPLITOOLS_API_KEY from the command line shell.

Do not open Visual Studio by double clicking it as it will not load environment variables. If you already have it open, please close it and open it from the Command line.

  1. In Visual Studio, open the ApplitoolsTutorial by navigating to the downloaded project via File > open and select the ApplitoolsTutorials.sln file.

  2. Update SDK and Dependencies:

    1. Right click the Dependencies folder in Visual Studio
    2. Select Update
  3. Hit Run button in Visual Studio to run the code

Add Applitools to an existing project

  1. Include the SDK as a Nuget Package
    • In Visual Studio select Project > Manage Nuget Packages
    • Search for Eyes.Images and select the package
    • Click "Add Package"

Example Test

Having Trouble?

Don't suffer in silence! Let us help you. Please reach out to us to get your project working.

Taking the next steps with Applitools

Congratulations on completing this quickstart! There's still so much to learn about visual testing with Applitools, but you're off to a great start.

Resources for next steps:

  1. 🤖 Learning how visual testing works
  2. ↔️ Setting match levels for visual checkpoints
  3. 💥 Troubleshooting common issues
  4. 🐞 Reporting bugs
  5. 🗺 Detailed overview of visual testing with Applitools

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